What to Expect from a Property Manager

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  • Property managers are employed to tend and care for the owner's real estate investment.
  • While some investors may purchase farmland, others buy shopping centers, office buildings or residential complexes.  Since investments vary so greatly, specialization in management is required.
  • A great deal of expertise is mandatory since the property manager must try to protect the owner's investment and obtain the largest net return the property is capable of producing.

  • The manager has a detailed plan of the duties and responsibilities the property owner requires the manager to fulfill.
  • The manager's duties and responsibilities include renting the space and collecting the rent, hiring employees, maintaining the property, ensuring security, communicating with the owner and tenants, and advertising as needed.
  • The manager is the liaison between the owners and the tenants, handling the tenants complaints and guarding the owner's interests.
  • Property maintenance includes preventive care, corrective maintenance, ordinary repair and cleaning, and constructive maintenance when necessary.
  • A budget is prepared for the financial operation of the property.
  • At the end of each month, a detailed accounting of expenditures and disbursements is submitted to the owners.